You need to read and we are here to help! We are taking all the precautions necessary to maintain a clean, safe and healthy (not to mention fun!) phone-book-browsing experience for our guests. Please join us anytime between 11am-4pm every day via phone and we’ll look for your book!

We will gladly deliver to any Salinas address for FREE and you can browse our online store for new books – best sellers, classics, and local authors: DowntownBook We also offer curbside pick up with online or phone payments (sorry, no cash for curbside pick up in order to maintain at least 6 feet physical distance).

As an alternative to hard copies, we also offer Audio Books on our partner platform, Sign up today and/or switch from Audible – same price, same books, AND it supports your local bookstore – Downtown Book & Sound! Follow this link to start listening to great books right now:

Please rest assured that we are constantly washing our hands, disinfecting all surfaces, using hand sanitizer, and all staff is SIP. We are doing our part to make sure our guests are safe and we are too. We look forward to seeing you in person just as soon as we can!

Banned Book Week!

Downtown Book & Sound celebrates the freedom to read and to write in America during National Banned Book Week!  We understand the importance of our freedoms and promote our liberty to read any book we desire.  We have the power or right to read and think as we wish without hindrance or restraint.  Making all books accessible to the general public is one of our goals.  Join us for National Banned Book Week – September 22-29  – we have a right to read!